All Comfort Heating & Cooling | Common HVAC Thermostat Issues & Solutions | All Comfort Heating & Cooling

Common HVAC Thermostat Issues & Solutions | All Comfort Heating & Cooling

Some stats say that the United States uses more electricity in their air conditioning alone than the whole of Africa uses for any other purpose. This shows how important HVAC is to the American community and why having a working HVAC thermostat is important in any household. Sometimes, though, such a system fails to function […]

All Comfort Heating & Cooling | How Does Air Conditioning Work? | Understanding Your HVAC System

How Does Air Conditioning Work? | Understanding Your HVAC System

Most people pay very little attention to their air conditioning unit. They want their house cool and comfortable. You pay it little notice as long as the air conditioner does its job.  But when something goes wrong, or you don’t have enough cool air coming out of your vents, you start to wonder how does air […]

All Comfort Heating & Cooling | Why Is My Air Conditioner Not Cooling My House?

Why Is My Air Conditioner Not Cooling My House?

Did you know that 88 percent of homes in the United States have some sort of air conditioning? Even if your home is in that 88 percent, you may not feel like it if your air conditioner is underperforming. You may have noticed that your air conditioner just isn’t keeping up this year, and you […]

All Comfort Heating & Cooling | Signs That Your Heating & Air Conditioning Unit Needs Service

Signs That Your Heating & Air Conditioning Unit Needs Service

Your thermostat is slowly creeping up several degrees above what you have it set it to…. The air coming from your vent feels lukewarm, not cool or cold… You may need a home air conditioning service! Here we tell you how to check and make sure you need a pro before you call.
All Comfort Heating & Cooling | Leave Your Air Conditioner Repair to the Pros!

Leave Your Air Conditioner Repair to the Pros!

Thermostat Batteries Only Display The Temperature. They Don't Control The HVAC Unit. Your digital thermostat went blank, you can’t control anything! If you see the temperature and possible a few other functions on the screen but have no control, you most likely have batteries installed and those batteries serve only this purpose: to allow a […]
All Comfort Heating & Cooling | Need Your Heating and Cooling System Replaced?

Need Your Heating and Cooling System Replaced?

Your home’s heating and cooling system is a sizable investment, so it makes sense why many homeowners are hesitant to have their air conditioners replaced until the last possible moment. Unfortunately, waiting to replace your heating and cooling system until it takes its final breath can cost you hundreds or even thousands of dollars more […]